Marketing Re-Solutions
August 21, 2019
Sumnu Marketing presents a workshop series focused on the success of small businesses. The theme of this series is Marketing reSOLUTIONS! In other words, what New Year or new solutions have you set for yourcompany? Does it include a new marketing plan or program?
This workshop is designed to educate, engage and elevate small business owners and aspiring entrepreneurs in an effort to increase their customers, brand awareness and ultimately their cash flow. The quarterly focus will be concentrated on: marketing research, customers, communications and measuring those marketing efforts
Every month, there will be a different topic and lesson specific to the categories mentioned above!
This series will be facilitated by 2X SBA Award Winner, Author and Small Business Mentor/Advocate, Shaundell Newsome. Shaundell has over 30+ years experience in Marketing and Communications. Throughout the series, Shaundell will also invite some of his industry friends and experts along to co-facilitate.
You dont want to miss this! Breakfast will be served at each workshop
Sign up TODAY!