5 Signs Your Marketing Is Failing
There are many signs that your marketing is failing. But let’s have a little fun with this one.
When CASH FLOW has come to a screeching halt you know that your marketing is not working. Marketing is like fuel to the gas tank of your business. If you don’t fill up your marketing tank you will get stuck on the side of the road. Invest in your marketing fuel to get the right results.
If you start thinking more about TRYING TO SELL your products and services instead of providing value to the customer, then you know that your marketing is failing. Convincing customers that they need your service is being too pushy. You need to keep talking about the benefits to the customer. Let them make the decision.
When you are FISHING for ideas and solutions then it’s a direct sign that your marketing is not working properly. The customer will always tell you if you are putting your bait in the right pond. If they are not biting you either have the wrong bait or you are in the wrong region for the fish that you are trying to catch.
CONFUSED CUSTOMERS are a good sign that your marketing message is not on point. If you keep sending messages that are not clear to your customer, then they will show you in the numbers. If customers come to you understanding your brand, then you will send them down the right street. They will keep coming back and making more purchases. Point them in one direction; The right one!
When customers ARE NOT coming into your store or buying your service then your marketing is not working. You may be telling customers to not come into your shop, website or company because you have not made them feel welcome. You have to show your customers the love from the beginning.